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Buy any 2 items and receive a 3rd free
Terms & Conditions: Customers who shop between 28.03.2020 – 05.04.2020 are eligible to receive this “Buy 2 items receive a 3rd free” offer. For every 2 items purchased, customers are eligible to receive a third item for free that is of equal or lesser value than the first two items purchased. Discount will be applied at the checkout. No rainchecks. Offer not redeemable for cash or credit. Not valid with any other offers, lay-bys, vouchers or purchase orders as well as purchases of the following products: 1) SCS Exclusive range 2) Numbered limited editions 3) Myriad editions 4) Previous purchases 5) Gift cards 6) Swarovski Remix Collection 7) Online Outlet 8) Customer Service Articles 9) Watches 10) Statement Jewellery. Please address any enquiries to [email protected]. Offer available only during store opening hours in participating Swarovski stores and participating Swarovski stockists in Australia and New Zealand, and for orders on Swarovski.com delivered to Australia or New Zealand.