Please note: this promotion has expired and may no longer be valid. Please check with the retailer.
We’re in this together
13 May 2020
Thank you for your continued support during this time.
Under Alert Level 2, NorthWest Shopping Centre will re-open on Thursday 14 May.
What we’re doing to keep our shoppers, community and our staff safe
As we continue to follow guidance from the New Zealand Government, below are some of the things we are doing to provide a safer shopping experience for our shoppers and staff:
- Enhanced cleaning on high-touch point areas
- Hand sanitisers at entry points and in the foodcourt
- Spaced seating arrangements
- Play areas and kiddies rides are temporarily closed
- Mobility Equipment hire is temporarily closed
- Foodcourt seating capacity of 100 maximum
- If there are no seats available, you may choose to consume your meal in your vehicle and then return to the Centre, or take you meal home at the end of your visit.
- Entry and Exit to the foodcourt will only be via the doors nearest to McDonalds.
- Following the New Zealand Government guidelines, stores may need to limit the number of shoppers in their store. You may be required to wait outside storefronts and will be guided by staff and signage.
- Stores may also request contact details for contact tracing which is in accordance with the requirements of the New Zealand Government.
How you can keep others safe when visiting
- Be kind and keep your space
- Continue practicing good hand hygiene and cough etiquette
- If you are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms, please stay at home
Revised trading hours
As we navigate through these changing times together, our trading hours have changed temporarily as follows:
- Monday – Friday: 9am-5pm
- Saturday – Sunday: 10am-5pm
Some retailers and restaurants will have trading hours that are different to the Centre’s. Please check our website for individual store hours or phone ahead before visiting.
As we navigate through this unprecedented time together, we thank you for your patience and understanding.